Treat inspiration – Easter treat
It's almost Easter and how fun is it to have a themed treat?! This treat falls within the treat policy, is fun and super easy to make!
What do you need?
- Toilet roll
- Yellow sheet of paper
- Orange sheet of paper
- White sheet of paper
- Glue
- Black marker or pen
- Pair of scissors
- Fruit funk bag
Cut the toilet roll in half and cut a rectangle from the yellow sheet of paper that fits around the toilet roll. Stick the yellow rectangle that you just cut out around the toilet roll. You also cut 2 wings from the yellow sheet of paper. Then cut 2 circles from the white sheet of paper and draw eyes on them with the black marker. You also cut a beak from the orange sheet of paper. You stick everything on the toilet roll (as you see in the image), put a Fruitfunk bag in it and your Easter treat is ready! Have fun with treats 😉