Shipping and returns

What are the shipping costs?

The shipping costs are €4.95 per order.
If you place an order above €25, shipping costs will be waived (only for the Netherlands.)

How long will it take before I receive my order?

We will ship your order within 1 to 3 working days. It depends on our carrier how quickly your order will be delivered to you. We ship with PostNL. You will always receive a track & trace by email so that you can track the status of your order.

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How do I return my order?

We hope that you are satisfied with your order. But if there is a reason that you want to return the order, follow the following steps:

1. Contact us

Send an email to within 14 days of receiving your order. Don't forget to mention your order number and reason for return.


2. Pack your order

Place the products you want to return in the box and follow the instructions provided by email.


3. Send order

Make sure you send your package within 7 days of contacting us. The costs for sending the return are at your own expense.


4. Refund

When we have received your order, we will ensure that you receive the amount excluding shipping costs within 14 days.